

Page history last edited by nellisir 11 years, 4 months ago

Darkwater Reference Document


Welcome to the Darkwater Reference Document!  The DRD is a repository for my personal RPG writings, as well as OGC material I've culled from other sources for use in my home games.


There are two aspects to the site.  The DRD itself is a collection of game mechanics, game rules, and other "crunchy" stuff.  Many of these are modified to match my house rules, but nearly everything should work perfectly in the "Three-Point-Five Edition" RPG of your choice.


The site also contains information on my house campaign setting, the Shadowend.  The Shadowend is a high-fantasy setting that emphasizes traditional fairy tale, sword-and-sorcery, and folkloric themes.  The Shadowend has feuding gods and godlings; a glass mountain; kings, queens, and the politics that go with them; fair elves, mountain dwarves, leshii, and jotunar; giants; dragons; a city of assassins and thieves; griffonriders; wizards, sorcerers, and mages; the sidhe; and a thousand thousand adventures!



Updates & News


· First login in...four years, I think. Kinda nice that this is still here.  Maybe I'll start using it again.  It's nice to have it as an adjunct to the blog.



·So, after almost but not quite switching to True20, and Pathfinder, and looking at BFRPG and Labyrinth Lord, I -think- I've settled on Swords & Wizardry.  Heavily houseruled.  Which, thanks to mythmere making the core rules available as a doc file, is incredibly easy to do.  It's about as simple as you can get and still be D&D, and it's a great/simple framework to build onto.



· Not dead yet!



·Just realized I didn't have a map up; here's a link to one on my Flickr page for the nonce: Shadowend campaign map

·More minor tweaks; added and revised a country template, testing it on entries for the Moonwood, the Forest of Eoghin, Romagna, Dore, Everglass, and Bellarane.

·The game system issue is still unresolved, and probably will be until I actually run another campaign.  True20 is still cool and has alot going for it; 4e is still unappealing; but Paizo's Pathfinder (aka D&D 3.75) is also interesting.



Some stuff has been done; I just haven't been mentioning it.  I've decided to switch to the True20 system instead of a house-ruled 3.5 D&D; the system pretty straightforward, it's mechanically very close to d20, and it does pretty much everything I want a game system to do.  And on that note:

·Updated Leshii to True20 stats.  Like the lineage concept; not sure that it works how I want it to (10 feats is alot to keep track of at 1st level, even if much them are static bonuses),

·Also started updating the Moonwood page.



·Moved stuff around logicalize organization; trimmed Sidebar.  Added a ton of potential links under Shadowend: The Land, and the various regions. Somewhat hampered by inability to get tags to "stick" to a page. Adding a Variant Rules page to note down rule changes for a stripped-down version of d20.


·Yay! An update! Added Elven Blood to Feats.


·Templates moved!  DRD website deleted!  This is it, folks, everything is here!  And I should probably grab a copy of this site now, or it'll crash tonight...   ;-)


·The move is going better than I had hoped.  Everything but the templates has been moved over, and those will come over later today or tomorrow!


·Not dead yet!  Revised the Magic page and reorganized the Sidebar. In the process of combining this wiki with the DRD wiki (at this address)


·Revised the Races page.


·Download the new Shadowend spells excel file by right-clicking and selecting save as here


·Leaving myself notes about alternate levels.


·Added two counting rhymes for fun. These are childrens' rhymes in the Shadowend-- whatever truth is behind them has been lost.

Country Template


Feature Template

Monster Template

Classes by source

Races by source

Lost Arcanum website - A PB Wiki 2.0 beta site

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